3159 Great North Road
New Lynn
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76 days ago

Bible Presentation: Where Is The World Heading? What's the Bible Solution To This Pattern Of Trouble?

Steve Bostin from Christadelphians New Lynn

Wesley Community Centre 740 Sandringham Road Extn, Mt Roskill Sunday 3 November 2.30pm.
The Bible has consistently provided an explanation for the state of the World by accurately describing today's reality. The same book describes how the problems are resolved with the return of the Lord … View more
Wesley Community Centre 740 Sandringham Road Extn, Mt Roskill Sunday 3 November 2.30pm.
The Bible has consistently provided an explanation for the state of the World by accurately describing today's reality. The same book describes how the problems are resolved with the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and has a message of hope for you and your family.
Sponsored by the Christadelphians Auckland

Where is the world heading Flyer.pdf Download View

699 days ago

Bible Address Tonight: God Can Forgive - Can You? Today 7pm Sunday Christadelphians New Lynn 1359 Great North Road New Lynn

Steve Bostin from Christadelphians New Lynn

Forgiveness – Difficult and Challenging

We all are familiar with the responsibility we have to forgive others and how difficult and challenging this can be.
We can understand what is expected of us and perhaps grasp a little of the concept of the Father’s abundant grace towards us in Christ… View more
Forgiveness – Difficult and Challenging

We all are familiar with the responsibility we have to forgive others and how difficult and challenging this can be.
We can understand what is expected of us and perhaps grasp a little of the concept of the Father’s abundant grace towards us in Christ Jesus and to know our responsibilities of reflecting this grace
towards others.
We are familiar with the teaching of Jesus in the parables of the prodigal son - where the Father welcomed back the lost son in contrast to the attitude of the elder brother- and the unjust steward
who failed to show the same compassion to his fellow servant that had been shown to him.
The logic and rationale of this is clear.
Perhaps there is doubt in our minds and we judge that the other is not truly repentant. Is our human judgement a condition of forgiveness?
So why do we find it so difficult to accept and show grace to others?
Is there something of our nature that can overrule that logic part of our minds which knows the spiritual principles?
Perhaps this is what the Apostle Paul is thinking when he writes:
For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold under sin. 15 For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.Romans 7:14-15 ESV
He calls it “the flesh”. We could also refer to it as our emotions or feelings. These cannot be switched on or off at will and so often control our decisions and actions.I suppose that is the difference between divine grace which in Christ presents us faultless before the
Father’s throne and human frailty that carries emotional memories which perhaps only prayer and time will heal.
We may be seeking forgiveness from others. It may well be granted and we may expect to be accepted as if the past never happened - but emotions and feelings can’t be just switched off. There may be consequences of our past behaviour which will live with us still.
And those of us who have offered forgiveness may still carry with us the hurt and disappointment of past experience which cannot be forgotten however much we wish we could.
So let’s acknowledge human weakness, offer forgiveness but understand that acceptance will so
often be marred by consequences.
And thank God for his unconditional grace that whilst we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

804 days ago

MUST SEE - Bible Address Tonight "Armageddon - Certain & Near"

Steve Bostin from Christadelphians New Lynn

The Christadelphian Hall 3159 Great North Road 7pm All Welcome
When the word Armageddon is used in the news media and movies, likely, images of a major catastrophe spring to mind.
To gain a true understanding of what Armageddon really means, requires turning to the Bible, because Armageddon is a… View more
The Christadelphian Hall 3159 Great North Road 7pm All Welcome
When the word Armageddon is used in the news media and movies, likely, images of a major catastrophe spring to mind.
To gain a true understanding of what Armageddon really means, requires turning to the Bible, because Armageddon is a Bible word. It also requires looking at how the word is used in the Bible.

The Address tonight, gives a brief introduction to the subject.

The word Armageddon is found in the Bible here:

Revelation 16:16 “And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.”

The Impact will be World-Wide as it heralds Christ's Return to set up God's Divine Kingdom Age. Come and listen to this illustrated Bible Address and find out if the Bible Armageddon will have an impact on your life and why.

860 days ago

The Bible Answers this Question - Can Salvation Be Earned?

Steve Bostin from Christadelphians New Lynn

What does the Bible say about gaining a new future beyond what we know now.
Is this 'salvation' - a life beyond the grave in heaven or hell or is it after the resurrection in a Divine Kingdom on earth?
What did Jesus teach?
The Lord's Prayer states - ...'Thy Kingdom Come, … View more
What does the Bible say about gaining a new future beyond what we know now.
Is this 'salvation' - a life beyond the grave in heaven or hell or is it after the resurrection in a Divine Kingdom on earth?
What did Jesus teach?
The Lord's Prayer states - ...'Thy Kingdom Come, that your Will is Done, In earth as it is in heaven'
What does the Old Testament state?
'And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
Isaiah 2:2-4 KJV
If this is the Biblical teaching of the future World scene - whats our place now?
For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23 ASV
What should we do now to gain that kind of life? Are we to earn a Christian future by our merits or is there also a need to explore what is the purpose of God too?
'What doth it profit, my brethren, if a man say he hath faith, but have not works? can that faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked and in lack of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Go in peace, be ye warmed and filled; and yet ye give them not the things needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it have not works, is dead in itself.'
James 2:14-17 ASV
Jesus' teaching calls us to a Crossroad in life:
And he [Jesus] said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that disbelieveth shall be condemned.
Mark 16:15-16 ASV
What will you do?
Come to our Address and see what the Bible really teaches!
Come to our Bible Address today -
Sunday September 11 2pm
The Christadelphian Hall
3159 Great North Road New Lynn

872 days ago

Continuing Our Online Bible Series Each Week - "World News = God's Plans"

Steve Bostin from Christadelphians New Lynn

A Christadelphian Video: #2 Why Does a Russian Leader Send An Army Against Israel?"
Christadelphian Video presents the second of a brand new series of short but concise episodes specifically aimed at Bible Students of all denominations. This series has been carefully developed to methodically… View more
A Christadelphian Video: #2 Why Does a Russian Leader Send An Army Against Israel?"
Christadelphian Video presents the second of a brand new series of short but concise episodes specifically aimed at Bible Students of all denominations. This series has been carefully developed to methodically progress through key Bible passages relating to End Time scenarios.

Our presenter, Mr Frank Abel, (a lifelong Bible student himself) examines a well know phrase/ passage from scripture and provides a thorough analysis of how it may be relevant to thr things that are happening right before our eyes at this present time (2022).

This series is suitable for those new to the Bible and those with years of experience - An edifying and encouraging series well worth your time

CHRISTADELPHIANVIDEO.ORG, a worldwide collaboration by Christadelphians to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth about the Human condition and God's plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it.

882 days ago

New Online Bible Series Each Week -"World News = God's Plans:

Steve Bostin from Christadelphians New Lynn

#1 Does this man (Putin) have Hooks in his Jaws?

Christadelphian Video presents the first of a brand new series of short but concise episodes specifically aimed at Bible Students of all denominations. This series has been carefully developed to methodically progress through key Bible passages … View more
#1 Does this man (Putin) have Hooks in his Jaws?

Christadelphian Video presents the first of a brand new series of short but concise episodes specifically aimed at Bible Students of all denominations. This series has been carefully developed to methodically progress through key Bible passages relating to End Time scenarios.
Our presenter, Mr Frank Abel, (a lifelong Bible student himself) examines a well know phrase/ passage from scripture and provides a thorough analysis of how it may be relevant to thr things that are happening right before our eyes at this present time (2022).
This series is suitable for those new to the Bible and those with years of experience - An edifying and encouraging series well worth your time.
CHRISTADELPHIANVIDEO.ORG, a worldwide collaboration by Christadelphians to help promote the understanding of God's Word to those who are seeking the Truth about the Human condition and God's plan and Purpose with the Earth and Mankind upon it.

1006 days ago

Why Believe The Gospels - When were The Gospels Written?

Christadelphians New Lynn

Christadelphians Online
Tradition amongst Biblical Scholars is that the Gospels were written up to 100 years after the events that they describe; that is the ministry of Jesus, called the Christ of the 1st Century. We'll look at seven evidences, some internal, that show that this may not have… View more
Christadelphians Online
Tradition amongst Biblical Scholars is that the Gospels were written up to 100 years after the events that they describe; that is the ministry of Jesus, called the Christ of the 1st Century. We'll look at seven evidences, some internal, that show that this may not have been the case. What is the implication of this? Most obviously, is that the history and more importantly the claims of who Jesus was and did had a far more dynamic relivence to the Jewish world prior to the destruction of Jewry in AD70. His mission, through his teaching as being the son of God, was a witness to the Jewish people of why he had to die and be resurrected as evidence as being God's Messiah. This fact was of course, rejected by the leaders of his day but his first advent was proof of the Old Testament prophecies that his role as Saviour was first to the people of the Land before the Gospel teaching of a Coming World Age was then distributed to the Roman world and beyond. The Gospels record a future Kingdom on Earth and Jesus was and is portrayed as first, 'King of the Jews and then King over all the earth bringing peace to this evil world at a time fast approaching. Join with us and look at more evidence that the purpose of the Gospels is to teach the Good News of Jesus Christ's Return to restore God's Purpose with all mankind, after 2000 years of attempted universal enlightment since the Gospel was first preached.

1028 days ago

Evidence for the Gospels - Names!

Christadelphians New Lynn

Names change significantly from place to place and from time to time. They are difficult to remember. The New Testament contains many named individuals. One can see the statistical distribution of names in the Gospel area from ancient literature and from inscriptions in tombs. Using modern … View moreNames change significantly from place to place and from time to time. They are difficult to remember. The New Testament contains many named individuals. One can see the statistical distribution of names in the Gospel area from ancient literature and from inscriptions in tombs. Using modern statistical techniques these can be compared with the distribution of names from the New Testament; it can be seen that the two distributions match very well. It would be very difficult for even a modern author to invent names with the correct distribution; an ancient writer would not have the statistical methods to even attempt to do so.

This is very good evidence that the Gospels were written close to the time of Jesus, and that the writers did not invent the stories in them. The fact that the names are remembered at all indicates that the accounts were remembered in detail and not just in general terms.

Click "Read More" to watch a YouTube video on this topic.

1042 days ago

Evidence for the Gospels - Archaeology

Christadelphians New Lynn

How can we know that the Gospels contain a reliable record of the things that they describe? One method is to compare the Gospel accounts with what has been discovered by archaeology. The Gospels contain details of places, people, events, and customs. Archaeological excavations have allowed some of… View moreHow can we know that the Gospels contain a reliable record of the things that they describe? One method is to compare the Gospel accounts with what has been discovered by archaeology. The Gospels contain details of places, people, events, and customs. Archaeological excavations have allowed some of these to be investigated and the finds have always confirmed one another. The Gospels are accurate in their descriptions.

Click "Read More" to watch a YouTube video on this topic.

1035 days ago

Life's Big Questions - What does the future hold for us?

Christadelphians New Lynn

The first in a series of short seminar videos created to help you better benefit from the reading of your Bible. Do you own a Bible? Do you read the Bible? Do you want to know about the plan and purpose God has with the earth and mankind he placed upon it? Join our presenter Mr. Rob Hull and follow… View moreThe first in a series of short seminar videos created to help you better benefit from the reading of your Bible. Do you own a Bible? Do you read the Bible? Do you want to know about the plan and purpose God has with the earth and mankind he placed upon it? Join our presenter Mr. Rob Hull and follow this series of short videos about 'Life's BIG Questions'.

Click "Read More" to watch a YouTube video on this topic.

1430 days ago

God's Master Plan Seminar - This Sunday 6.45pm FREE 8 Week Bible SEMINAR In Your Area

Christadelphians New Lynn

‘There must be more for me to learn about the Bible story and that can involve my family?’
We agree. The Gospel Message, is usually only heard at Christmas and Easter but it can be the truth about life & death - yours.

Join us as we explain the Key to God’s Master Plan and the Gospel … View more
‘There must be more for me to learn about the Bible story and that can involve my family?’
We agree. The Gospel Message, is usually only heard at Christmas and Easter but it can be the truth about life & death - yours.

Join us as we explain the Key to God’s Master Plan and the Gospel Message of living for ever. Free Study Book for you to keep. Bring this Invite with you. Registrations: 6.45pm

‘Learning God’s Master Plan Seminar ’

1543 days ago

Bible Prophecy Seminar Each Sunday 6.45pm - November 1 2020

Christadelphians New Lynn

6 Week Bible Prophecy Seminar
Free Booklet to all Attendees
Christadelphian Community Hall
3159 Great North Road
Cnr Wattle Street
New Lynn

1553 days ago

Bible Prophecy Seminar Each Sunday 6.45pm Starts Today - October 18 2020

Christadelphians New Lynn

6 Week Bible Prophecy Seminar
Free Booklet to all Attendees
Christadelphian Community Hall
3159 Great North Road
Cnr Wattle Street
New Lynn

1553 days ago

Bible Prophecy Seminar Each Sunday 6.45pm Starts Today - October 18 2020

Christadelphians New Lynn

It has been estimated that there are over 1,800 prophecies of some nature in the Bible. Prophecy makes up about 20% of the Bible. Amazingly, the majority of these prophecies have come true, and the remainder are predictions of events in the future.
In the Bible God claims to predict the future. … View more
It has been estimated that there are over 1,800 prophecies of some nature in the Bible. Prophecy makes up about 20% of the Bible. Amazingly, the majority of these prophecies have come true, and the remainder are predictions of events in the future.
In the Bible God claims to predict the future. In the book of Isaiah God says “The former things I declared of old; they went out from my mouth, and I announced them; then suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.” (Isaiah 48:3)

We read all kinds of prophecies regarding individuals—that Abraham would have a son. Did he? His name was Isaac. His grandson's name was changed to Israel. That there would be rulers like Cyrus of Persia. 100 years before Cyrus assumed the throne, his name is recorded in Isaiah 45 verse 1. Would you like to predict who the Prime Minister of New Zealand will be 100 years from today? It’s impossible. But here is the Bible giving name and country of these rulers long before they’re even born.
You are invited to come and hear some of the amazing evidence of Bible Prophecies that have been accurately fulfilled – evidences that the Bible is True and there are Prophecies yet to be fulfilled.
The Seminar Title is:
The Fundamentals of Bible Prophecy - A Divine Promise for a Better Future"

1784 days ago

Bible Prohecy Seminar Each Sunday 6.45pm Starts Tonight

Christadelphians New Lynn

There are remarkable prophecies found in the Bible, and nowhere else in the world. There are no other writings, no other books, no other human pronouncements which can even begin to compare with the Bible. But the Bible tells us that Jesus was the Son of God; the things he said are preserved for … View moreThere are remarkable prophecies found in the Bible, and nowhere else in the world. There are no other writings, no other books, no other human pronouncements which can even begin to compare with the Bible. But the Bible tells us that Jesus was the Son of God; the things he said are preserved for us in the Gospels of the New Testament. Together with the teachings of his inspired apostles Peter, John and Paul, they reveal to us truths we cannot know otherwise. They warn us of the reality of death; they explain why the Gospel is “the good news”, “the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16).
They encourage us with the promise of a lasting life in the new order which Christ will establish when he comes. That is why we ought to be reading the Bible. It can make the vital difference to us between the hopelessness of death and the confident hope of everlasting life.

Careful reading of the Bible will convince us that God exists, that He is in control, and that He uses prophecy to tell us His Plans. He calls us to be disciples of His Son. The Bible is the book for us. We do well to pay attention to what it says.
