Carefinder Limited

Get in touch with a caregiver or service provider in your local area with just a few clicks. Whether it's a pet sitter or house sitter while your on holiday, a babysitter for your 'date night' or a regular lawn mower, we can help.

Parents, post a job or search through caregiver/service provider profiles and get in touch direct. Caregivers, create your own unique and in-depth profiles for parents to see, search and apply for jobs in your area. Start by creating an account.

Child Care & Education

Carefinder Limited
11 Paterson Avenue
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About Carefinder Limited

Get in touch with a caregiver or service provider in your local area with just a few clicks. Whether it's a pet sitter or house sitter while your on holiday, a babysitter for your 'date night' or a regular lawn mower, we can help.

Parents, post a job or search through caregiver/service provider profiles and get in touch direct. Caregivers, create your own unique and in-depth profiles for parents to see, search and apply for jobs in your area. Start by creating an account.