Billy Beds

Billy Beds is an online store specialising in premium bedding for small to medium sized dogs. Comfortable, washable and waterproof covers make our beds perfect for wet, dribbly or incontinent dogs. Ban that manky dog smell from your home forever and get a stylish bed your dog will love. We also have chair pads, car seat covers, waterproof sheets and crate covers. Check out our website:

Pet Shops

Billy Beds

About Billy Beds

Billy Beds is an online store specialising in premium bedding for small to medium sized dogs. Comfortable, washable and waterproof covers make our beds perfect for wet, dribbly or incontinent dogs. Ban that manky dog smell from your home forever and get a stylish bed your dog will love. We also have chair pads, car seat covers, waterproof sheets and crate covers. Check out our website: