Priority Wellness - Colleen Ryan

Welcome I'm Colleen Ryan specialising in mental, emotional and body wellbeing for all ages and stages of life.

Feel more confident, clarity, a natural energy and enthusiasm so that you can be happy with your personal life, work, sport and professional career.

Great when you're feeling off or wanting that sports performance edge, better sleep and better relationships.

If you or a member of your family is feeling overwhelmed, tired, exhausted, then a Kinesiology treatment could be just what you need. Restore your energy and put the Sparkle back into your life!

Treatments involve light acupressure points, gentle holding of the head, foot reflex points and identifying the key emotion, fear, limiting belief, poor self esteem that's needing to be released, the right nutrition so that you canmove towards your goals.

I offer regular community treatment days in Cambridge for personal sessions and group classes and workplace wellbeing.

Colleen Ryan Registered Kinesiology

Natural Therapy

Priority Wellness - Colleen Ryan
Union Parish Centre
43 Queen Street Cambridge
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About Priority Wellness - Colleen Ryan

Welcome I'm Colleen Ryan specialising in mental, emotional and body wellbeing for all ages and stages of life.

Feel more confident, clarity, a natural energy and enthusiasm so that you can be happy with your personal life, work, sport and professional career.

Great when you're feeling off or wanting that sports performance edge, better sleep and better relationships.

If you or a member of your family is feeling overwhelmed, tired, exhausted, then a Kinesiology treatment could be just what you need. Restore your energy and put the Sparkle back into your life!

Treatments involve light acupressure points, gentle holding of the head, foot reflex points and identifying the key emotion, fear, limiting belief, poor self esteem that's needing to be released, the right nutrition so that you canmove towards your goals.

I offer regular community treatment days in Cambridge for personal sessions and group classes and workplace wellbeing.

Colleen Ryan Registered Kinesiology