Kia ora, welcome to Volunteering Northland

clock icon 24 June 2023

Volunteer Fair, Sat 24th June

Join us for our Whangārei Volunteer Fair! We're hosting a day focused on mahi aroha, volunteering, and recognising those who came before us.

Standing on the Shoulders of Our Ancestors. Recognising Kaimahi Aroha in Our Communities.

Saturday, 24 June 2023
9:00AM - 12:30PM
Whangarei Central Library

You are invited to join us for our first Whangārei Volunteer Fair! Volunteering Northland wants to celebrate the diverse community in Te Tai Tokerau by hosting a day focused on mahi aroha, volunteering, and recognising those who have come before us.

The Volunteer Fair is a free, family-friendly event that includes food, entertainment, and micro-volunteering opportunities. By bringing together volunteers and organisations from all backgrounds, we aim to create a space where everyone can find a cause they believe in and feel a sense of belonging in their community.

Are you a community organisation or group? Sign up for a free stall!