The mattress and pillows we lay on are essential for our sleep quality, yet many of us don't put much thought into protecting them. That's why we took a closer look at mattress and pillow protectors. You'll find everything you need to know here, from different types of mattress and pillow protectors to when to replace them. 

The Ultimate Guide To Protecting Your Mattress & Pillow

Five tips on how to protect your mattresses and pillows

  1. Use a pillow protector. A pillow protector will help keep your pillow clean and free of dust, mites, mould, and mildew.
  2. Wash your pillows regularly. Pillows should be washed every three to six months to remove body oils and sweat that can attract dust mites and cause other problems.
  3. Use a mattress protector. A mattress protector will help keep your mattress clean and free of dust mites, mould, mildew, and body fluids.
  4. Flip and rotate your mattress regularly. This will help prevent sagging and uneven wear on the mattress.
  5. Don't let pets sleep on the bed. Pets can carry fleas, ticks, and other parasites that can infest your bedding and cause skin irritation or disease.

The purpose of mattress and pillow protectors

Mattress and pillow protectors are designed to extend the life of your mattress and pillows by protecting them from dust, dirt, and stains. They also help to keep your sleeping environment clean and free of allergens. 

The best mattress toppers for different sleeping positions

Each sleep position puts different pressure on your body, thus requiring a different type of mattress protector.

Side sleepers need a softer mattress topper to reduce the pressure on their hips and shoulders. Stomach sleepers need a firmer mattress topper so that their spine stays aligned. Back sleepers need something in between, so their spine stays supported without being too firm.

There are four main types of mattress toppers: memory foam, latex, down, and feather. 

  • Memory foam is the most popular option because it contours to your body and provides support where you need it most. 
  • Latex is similar to memory foam, but tends to be more bouncy and less dense. 
  • Down and feather are natural materials often used in high-end mattresses because they provide a luxurious feel. However, they can also be quite expensive.

Remember that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another. 

Different types of mattress protectors

When it comes to mattress protectors for the home, there are several different types to choose from. 

  • Mattress pads are the thin, quilted fabric that covers your mattress. They add a layer of cushioning and can help prolong the life of your mattress.
  • Mattress encasements are thicker than pads and provide a barrier against dust mites, bedbugs, and other pests. They also protect against spills and stains.
  • Waterproof mattress protectors create a barrier between your mattress and any spills or accidents. 
  • Allergen-proof mattress protectors can help keep dust mites and other allergens out of your bedding.
  • Electric blanket protectors require their own type of protector to prevent fires. Look for one made specifically for electric blankets.

No matter which type of mattress protector you choose for your home, be sure to wash it according to the manufacturer's instructions. 

Different types of pillow protectors

  • A zippered pillow protector is great if you want to encase your pillow completely. This type of protector will keep out dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens.
  • A pillowcase-style protector is a less expensive option that will still provide some protection for your pillow. This type of protector will not completely encase your pillow, but it will help to keep it clean and free of dust mites and other allergens.
  • A waterproof pillow protector is a good choice if you suffer from night sweats or live in a humid climate. This type of protector will keep your pillow dry and free of bacteria.
  • A memory foam pillow protector is a good choice if you want to add an extra layer of comfort to your pillow. This type of protector will also help to keep your pillow clean and free of dust mites and other allergens.

When should you replace your mattress and pillow protectors?

The answer depends on a few factors, including how often you use them and how well you take care of them. In general, replace your mattress topper every 2 to 3 years and your pillow protectors every 1 to 2 years.

If you see any rips, tears, or holes, it's time to replace the item. You should also replace your bedding if it no longer provides the same level of comfort or support.

Tips on how to pick a mattress and pillow protector

Choose the material 

Decide what type of material you want your protector to be made from. Each material has its own benefits and drawbacks, so do your research before deciding.

Know your size

Remember that protectors come in different sizes, so you'll need to measure your mattress and pillows before making a purchase. 

How do you sleep?

Consider your sleeping position when choosing a mattress and pillow protector. There are different protectors designed for each sleeping position.