Balancing act


Life is one big balancing act, no matter what aspect of it you focus on. It’s a balance of getting your 5+ a day, ensuring you spend time with your loved ones, not over-working yourself, and most importantly, allocating time to yourself.

When you really think about it, how often do you actively think about balance in your life? It should be a completely natural concept, but sadly it can feel quite strange to think about. As wellness advocates, we vow to embrace this concept, not just for the month of March, but every month going forward.

Ease into it by simply taking 10 minutes out of your day to slow down, especially when you know there will be lots going on. Perhaps take a moment to apply that beautiful hand cream, light a relaxing candle, or read that awaiting chapter. Take care to look after your skin, a tonic lotion will bring balance back to your complexion in no time.

Another big area that we tend to tip on the other side of balance is at work. Set a series of mini goals to ensure you use your time wisely, to ensure that your work doesn’t spill into your home life. Train yourself to leave your stresses at the door, and walk into your home, aka your sanctuary, with a fresh mind.

It’s time to slow down and stop to literally smell the roses this autumn. P.s Our Rebalance Experience (5hrs, $420) can help you bring you back to balance in no time, plus check out our March Radiance Promotion below. See you in Spa soon x


> Click here to book our Radiance Promotion

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