The Reflection of One’s Heart - Day 24
Te Atarangi o te Ngākau
In the serene hills of Aotearoa, arohaed beside a pristine lake, lived a young Māori girl named Aroha. She was known for her bright smilearoha deep inside, she often carried doubt about her abilities. She longed to master the art of wearoha korowai (traditional Māori cloaks), a skill that symbolised both beauty and mana. However, every time she began, her fingers trembled, and she would stop, thinking she was not good enough.
One day, as Aroha sat by the lake, her kuia (elderly grandmother), Rangi, approached her with gentle eyes. “Aroha,” she said, “why do you look so troubled?”
Aroha sighed. “Kuia, I try to weave, but I always feel like I will fail. The korowai I imagine is beautiful, but what if my hands cannot make it so? Maybe I am not meant for this art.”
Kuia Rangi smiled knowingly and pointed to the lake. “Look at the water, moko (grandchild). What do you see?”
“I see my reflection,” Aroha replied.
“And how does it appear?” Rangi asked.
“It looks worried, unsure… just like how I feel inside,” Aroha admitted.
Rangi chuckled softly. “Exactly, moko. The lake reflects what is inside you. So does life. If you believe in doubt and failure, your weaving will reflect that. But if your heart holds faith, patience, and aroha for yourself, the korowai will carry that beauty too. Remember: “As is your feeling, so it becomes.”
Inspired, Aroha decided to shift her thoughts. She began to weave, not worrying about the outcome but focusing on the love and intention she put into every stitch. Her fingers stopped trembling as she worked with joy and confidence. Days turned into weeks, and finally, a stunning korowai emerged, full of intricate patterns and radiant colors. It reflected the aroha and belief she had nurtured within herself.
The village celebrated her work, and Aroha realized that her kuia was right: her world mirrored the emotions in her heart.
Moral of the Story
“Te ngākau te kaihanga o tō ao” – The heart shapes your world.
Your thoughts and feelings influence the outcome of your actions. Approach life with positivity and aroha, and the world will reflect that beauty back to you.

These Riddles Have Stumped Geniuses 🧐—Can You Crack Them?
I can be held in your hand but never weighed, given away but never lost, and though I can break, I never make a sound—what am I?
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Show us your creative backyard build
We hope you've been enjoying the Neighbourly Backyard Awards so far, we know we have!
It is time for our last award. And the category is....Most creative backyard build
It could be a planter box, an outdoor table or even a backyard bar. We just want to see the sanctuary you've created in your backyard.
So share a photo, or two, in a comment below of your creation or backyard set up a to be in to win a $100 Mitre10 voucher. Winner will be announced next Monday 🛝🪴🛖

Poll: Do you have a pet at home?
Neighbourly members LOVE their pets, whether it's a smoochy cat, a trusty pup or even a feathered friend.
We'd like to know how many of you who see this post actually have a pet at home. Let us know in the poll below!

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