The Rock: Papamoa Community Garden

Community Organisation

The Rock: Papamoa Community Garden
Hartford Ave Stormwater Reserve. Between 51 and 53 Hartford Avenue. Look for the bollards that extend out to the road

The Rock is a thriving Community Garden in the heart of Papamoa. The only one of its kind at this stage, The Rock provides a hub for sustainable education, growing good food, and building community. It is home to a beautiful Hot House, two beehives, seven large compost heaps, one (soon to be two) Food Forests, a tool shed, two storage and social containers, and much more. The Gardens are a totally communal project, owned and operated by and for the community, and operate under organic and permaculture principles. Feel free to come down and get involved in any way you see fit. There are avenues for all interests and skillsets - gardening is not the only thing that happens at the Gardens!

The community gardens are managed by The Rock Papamoa Charitable Trust, which accepts donations and distributes those funds to various projects. The Garden Committee, made up of between six and ten community members, is tasked with keeping the Gardens heading in the right direction. Lily Tworogal and Dave Hursthouse are the current Garden Coordinators - they are on the ground most often, and are happy to facilitate activities and events. All of these positions are entirely voluntary. This crew of community members is always on the lookout for more people to take on roles that go beyond maintaining the Gardens, such as taking on a certain organisational aspect, or looking after the accounts, or managing the Gardens online presence. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you are interested in helping out in new and interesting ways!

The main purpose of these beautiful gardens is to bring community together, build communal food resiliency, and teach people how to simply and happily grow their own food in their own back yards. The Rock keeps going from strength to strength - come and join in on the fun!

Contact Details:
Lily Tworogal - Garden Coordinator - 02102841668
Dave Hursthouse - Garden Coordinator - 0223090421

  • Officials
  • The Team The Rock: Papamoa Community Garden