Wedding Rings

Many couples want special objects to symbolize their special bond and love for one another. Traditionally, men and women get rings that match and wear them to show their union. This is true in New Zealand and all over the world. There are special wedding rings that a couple can put on each other during their wedding ceremony—rings with diamonds made from their hair. It is a unique way to celebrate their love and devotion to one another. You can also get anniversary diamond rings made from your hair as well.

Contrary to what you might think, getting a wedding diamond made from hair is not that difficult. You just need a small amount of hair to get started. The carbon is extracted from the hair and made into a real diamond made to last.

Turning Baby’s Hair into Diamonds

One of life’s greatest joys is holding your newborn baby for the first time. Many milestones follow, and all of the pain you endured during the delivery was so worth it! You know that these precious memories won’t last forever. In fact, the years will probably fly by. Don’t you wish you could freeze those memories so that they can last forever? It’s possible when you get a diamond made from your baby’s hair. Your diamond will be as unique as your little one. All that’s needed is a little sliver of hair to create a precious diamond for wonderful memories to last a lifetime.

Wedding Rings from Hair

Weddings are truly special. Many brides and grooms want their marriage ceremony to be entirely unique, from the flowers and dresses to the venue and food. And of course, most couples want personalized rings that are special to them. This is where wedding rings made from hair comes in.

Wedding rings made from hair are the ultimate union and alliance of a couple. Hair is unique, and it contains DNA. Strands of hair from both people are made into a diamond that is the perfect combination of them both. Their wedding rings will be unique and special, just like their love and marriage. Couples could choose a traditional wedding ring set with traditional diamonds, but for those who love uniqueness and one-a-kind pieces, wedding rings made from hair are ideal.

Rings from Stillborn Babies

Giving birth to stillborn baby is one of the most heartbreaking things a woman can endure. Her love for her baby will last forever, and some grieving mothers wish to have a symbol to remember them by. This is where rings from stillborn babies are incredibly thoughtful and fitting. Having a stillborn is an incredibly delicate topic, and a mother may wish to speak about her lost child from time to time. She may want to honour the son or daughter she mourned so deeply.

It is a good idea to find your own way to memorialize a stillbirth with a ring. Rings from stillborn babies are special and can give a grieving mother some comfort after such a terrible loss. It is wonderful idea to have a “mummy” ring that honours your child. It can be starting point towards a sense of comfort and recovery after a stillbirth.

Diamond jewellery made from hair is an incredibly unique idea. Wedding rings come in all sorts of styles and designs, but what better what to commemorate your marriage than with a real diamond made from your hair? It’s personal, sentimental, and lovely. Whether you wish to celebrate love and marriage or motherhood after a loss, our created diamonds are ideal for the occasion.