The Value of Learning Outdoors

There is invaluable adventure to be had in outdoor environments, a world beyond the screen(!) that can provide rich source material for discussion, debate and discovery between a child and their siblings and friends, a child and their parents and, in an early learning setting, between children and their teachers.

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Anne Denham
Mānawatia a Matariki!

Matariki. The rising of a star cluster in the pre-dawn mid-winter sky. The heralding of a new year. The mourning of loved ones. The celebration of life. The hopes for tomorrow and beyond. What is Matariki and why is it now a national holiday?

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Anne Denham
The Two Women Behind Our Kindy

Anne and Lynda feel a particular alignment with Froebel’s strong sense of social justice and manifesting opportunities for all tamariki and whānau. Lynda found that early on in her career, she was often faced with challenging fixed mindsets - “children were put into developmental stages, and there were pre-determined expectations for their abilities,” she says.

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Zooming with Soilsafe Aotearoa

Zooming with a scientist was an opportunity for the children to learn more about nature and how the world works as well as utilise technology - after the Zoom the children put what they had learned into practice. Good stuff!

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Anne Denham
Keeping COVID-safe

Keeping COVID-safe is a particularly serious business for everyone offering childcare or kindergarten services in Auckland and Seven Stars Kindergarten is no different. We want to do all we can to help keep our young ones safe.

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Anne Denham