Stay tuned for upcoming workshops that will continue to motivate you on your journey to a healthier, happier lifestyle!

Are you feeling uninspired in the kitchen and searching for new ideas?

Are you interested in adding more plant-based wholefoods to your diet for better health and well-being?

Join us on the first Tuesday evening of every month at 7.00pm – except January/December - as we explore the benefits of including plant-based wholefoods in your diet and learn how to create mouthwatering dishes that will nourish your body and taste amazing!

You can choose to attend in person at the Church hall to sample the dishes we prepare, or join us virtually on Zoom from the comfort of your home.

Stay tuned for upcoming workshops that will continue to motivate you on your journey to a healthier, happier lifestyle!


TUESDAY JUNE 4 at 7.00pm

Join us for an exciting workshop about Winter Warming Soups - Kim will be demonstrating four delicious soups. You will also learn how to create a flavourful homemade stock - the essential foundation for any great soup. And, there will be a delicious bread made too. 

For this month’s Healthy Wholefood Cooking workshop, join Kim Stirling from The Herbary on Tuesday June 4 at 7.00pm - she will be sharing some delicious hearty warming dishes.

Whether you are in need of some inspiration for your own meals or just looking to expand your cooking skills, this workshop is the perfect place to start.

Save the date and come along to an evening filled with learning, cooking, and tasting delicious wholefood dishes!  


Join our Healthy Wholefood Cooking classes to discover a variety of tasty and nutritious dishes that will not only nourish your body but also improve your overall well-being.

Reserve your place today!

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