Willcott Street, Mount Albert - Raised pedestrian crossing Willcott Street, Mount Albert - Raised pedestrian crossing

Proposal status: Feedback closed 5 September 2019, last updated 14 January 2020.

Reference number: MIP1819-033

We've proposed changes in your area

In August 2019 we proposed a new raised zebra crossing on Willcott Street in Mount Albert. Our proposal responded to a request from the local community to provide a safer means for pedestrians to cross the road when walking to the nearby train station.

Our proposal involves restricting parking on either side of the crossing to make sure parked cars don't block the view of those waiting to cross, especially young children. It also involves the removal of a small tree on the southern side of the crossing. Please see the proposal drawing for more details.

Download the updated proposal drawing for Willcott Street (PDF 988KB)

Why the changes are needed

The raised crossing is expected to significantly improve safety for the growing number of people walking in the area by slowing approaching traffic and giving priority to those wishing to cross.

Proposal outcome

We have made minor changes to the design based on community feedback. Changes include broken yellow lines parking restrictions at the corner between number 18 and 20 Willcott Street, in order to make sure parked cars don’t block driver visibility. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.

Feedback received

Broken yellow lines

  • Respondents requested that we only paint broken yellow lines on the intersection corners.
    The broken yellow lines next to the crossing are important to stop vehicles parking too close to the crossing, which would prevent drivers from seeing people using the crossing.
  • Respondents requested new broken yellow lines in front of the driveways in project area.
    We do not usually paint broken yellow lines in front of driveways as it is already illegal to park within 1 metre of a driveway. If any vehicles are parking illegally, please contact Parking Enforcement on (09) 355 3553 with the details of the vehicle, to request enforcement action.

Cyclist safety

  • Respondents expressed concern that the proposed islands would create a ‘pinch point’, causing cyclists and cars to be brought closer together.
    These side islands are intended to minimise the distance that pedestrians need to cross, and to provide adequate visibility between people walking and approaching drivers. The distance between the side islands is 6.9 m which will not create a pinch point for cyclists as this is sufficient width to allow both cyclists and cars to pass at the same point.
  • Respondents requested that cyclist crossings are incorporated in the design, similar to the Carrington Road raised crossing.
    We will not be able to provide this, as cyclist crossings are usually only used to connect to an existing shared path or cycle lane, which Willcott St does not have.

Additional pedestrian crossings

  • Respondents requested additional pedestrian crossings near 53 Woodward Road and the intersection of Willcott Street and Carrington Road.
    Thank you for your suggestions, we will review this as a separate issue and investigate the possibility of crossing facilities at those two sites.
  • Respondents requested that the proposed crossing be installed further south, away from the Benfield Avenue intersection, due to volume of traffic entering and exiting the train station entrance.
    We will not be able to grant this request as our investigations have shown that our proposed location is where the majority of pedestrians want to cross and there would be most effective.

Speed calming

  • Respondents requested 40 kilometres per hour speed limit on Willcott Street.
    Thank you for your suggestion. We have added this road to be reviewed in a future speed limit bylaw review.
  • Respondents requested a centreline on Willcott Street to control lane space and traffic speed.
    The centreline is generally not provided in a local environment as it could potentially increase vehicle travel speed. The existing centreline on Willcott St is to provide a guide to navigate the bend.
  • Respondents requested speed humps and chicanes on Willcott Street.
    To address traffic speeds in residential areas, we have adopted an area-based focus for 2019 onwards. This recognises that traffic-calming changes on one street have a flow-on effect in the surrounding neighbourhood. This plan targets the highest priority areas based on the level of safety risk measured for each road on our network. We have added your comments to our database to indicate support for safer speeds in your residential area.
  • Respondents were concerned that the proposed signage will not adequately control traffic speed.
    The signs are warning in advance for the raised crossing to ensure approaching vehicles slow down before the crossing point, therefore the raised crossing should reduce vehicles’ speeds adequately at the crossing.

Parking availability

  • Respondents requested a Park and Ride facility to accommodate train station patrons and reduce on-street parking.
    Financially, the cost associated with building a parking facility, such as land acquisition and construction costs, means this isn’t a viable option. On average it costs $18,000 per space to build an open-air park and ride, and $60,000 per space to build a multi-story park and ride. Auckland is experiencing rapid population growth and, as the city changes, we’re working to change the way people travel. The number of single occupancy vehicles on the roads is not sustainable as our population and the number of vehicles on the road increases. As much as possible, we’re encouraging people to leave the car at home and switch to commuting by train, bus, ferry, cycling or walking. While we understand that many people still need to use their vehicles, as much as possible we advocate the use of public transport and active transport modes from your point of origin. To learn about the transport options available to you from where you live, view our journey planner. Alternatively, call us on (09) 355 3553.
  • Respondents requested residents permits and designated residents parking spaces.
    Unfortunately, no residential parking permits can be considered here because this area does not meet the required criteria for residential parking permits.
    Under AT’s Parking Strategy, residential parking permits are only available when a Residential Parking Zone (RPZ) is introduced. A RPZ is more suited for suburbs in the city fringe – often in cases where a large number of smaller properties are without off-street parking.
  • Respondents opposed the project due to the proposed parking removal.
    The parking removal is necessary to ensure sufficient visibility of the crossings.

Nearby works

  • Respondents requested that AT widen or repair the footpath on the Willcott Street train station entrance.
    Your request has been added to our list of footpaths to be investigated and prioritised.
  • Respondents requested the repair of culverts and sinking in the road in the project area.
    This request has been passed on to our Maintenance team for further investigation.
  • Respondents requested the reinstatement of a native tree on the berm if the tree on the station side of the crossing must be removed.
    We will reinstate a native tree in the berm in the vicinity of the proposed crossing.

Crossing design

  • Respondents requested the installation of a traffic diversion tool at the intersection, which is a physical barrier to prevent certain turning movements.
    At your request, we considered the option of a traffic diversion tool at this location, however it was not considered a feasible option close to the proposed crossing.
  • Respondents requested that the crossing surface is flat, to reduce noise and emissions from slowed vehicles at a raised crossing.
    The zebra crossing will be constructed to Auckland Transport’s design standards, which ensure there is an effective reduction in vehicle speeds while minimising any increases in noise and vibration levels.
  • Respondents requested a pedestrian refuge as an alternative to proposed raised crossing
    Due to high crossing demand and the relatively high vehicle speeds, it is more suitable to install a raised zebra crossing with side islands which will reduce the approaching vehicle speeds and provide a safer crossing point for the pedestrians.
  • Respondents suggested that a raised crossing is unnecessary due to low traffic volume at most times.
    The crossing demand is high at this location and from the speed data we find the travel speed is relatively high. Therefore is necessary to have a raised crossing to reduce the vehicle speeds at the crossing.
  • Respondents expressed concern that pedestrians will not cross at the proposed crossing.
    Our investigations showed that the proposed location is where most pedestrians want to cross the road, therefore we believe the crossing will be well used.
  • Respondents expressed concern that the raised crossing’s location, downhill from a faulty drain, will create a flooding issue.
    Before construction, we will create a detailed design which will include drainage design to ensure flooding risk is not increased.
  • Respondents expressed concern that proposed islands will limit manoeuvrability of cars turning through the intersection.
    We have undertaken a vehicle tracking check at the intersection to ensure that access for vehicles is not compromised.


  • Respondents expressed concern that the steepness of raised crossing will create discomfort for vehicle passengers with disabilities as they travel over it.
    The raised crossing will be installed to the standard profile and will be similar to the other raised treatments across the Auckland region. Approaching the table at a lower speed can reduce the impact of going over the table. It is important to have the raised table to reduce the vehicle speeds to provide a safe crossing facility.
  • Respondents expressed concern that the rubbish bins from residences will obstruct the intersection.
    The rubbish bins should be located on the grass berm. The proposed broken yellow lines at the intersection may help the rubbish truck to pick up the bins on the grass berm as there will be fewer vehicles parked in front of the bins.

Next steps

This work will begin before June 2021, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.