Excellence of Metallic Braces in Orthodontics

At Auckland Family Dental, we understand that the process of orthodontic treatment can be life-changing. We are dedicated to offering our patients enduring choices. In the world of orthodontics, metallic braces are a trusted and effective option because of its reliability and versatility.

What is Traditional Metallic Braces?

Metallic braces, known for their strength in orthodontics, are made of brackets and wires crafted from high-quality stainless steel. Despite the introduction of different options, metallic braces remain a dependable and effective approach to achieving accurate tooth alignment.

It consists of brackets, wires, and elastic bands that work in tandem to exert controlled pressure on the teeth. The brackets, securely bonded to each tooth, act as anchors for the wires. These wires are carefully threaded through the brackets and adjusted at intervals to guide the teeth into their desired positions.

Advantages of Metallic Braces


Stainless steel provides unparalleled durability, ensuring that metallic braces withstand the rigors of orthodontic treatment.


Metallic braces are often a more budget-friendly option compared to some of the newer orthodontic alternatives, making them accessible to a broader range of patients.


Metallic braces are versatile and suitable for addressing a wide spectrum of orthodontic issues, from mild to severe cases.

Modern Enhancements in Metallic Braces

Smaller, Sleeker Design

Modern metallic braces boast a more streamlined and compact design, reducing their visual impact while maintaining their structural integrity.

Color Customization

Patients can express their individuality by opting for colored bands on their metallic braces. This feature adds a touch of personalization to the orthodontic experience.

Overcoming Common Concerns On Metal Braces

Aesthetic Concerns

Some patients express concerns about the visibility of metallic braces, especially in social or professional settings. However, the modern design has addressed this with smaller, sleeker braces that are less conspicuous.

Discomfort Management

While it's common to experience mild discomfort initially, advancements in metallic brace design have focused on minimizing irritation, ensuring a more comfortable orthodontic journey.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Contrary to misconceptions, maintaining oral hygiene with metallic braces is straightforward. Brushing and flossing, coupled with regular orthodontic check-ups, ensure optimal dental health throughout treatment.

Speech Impediments

Initially, patients might experience a slight adjustment period when it comes to speech. Encouraging regular speech practice and providing support during this phase can help overcome any speech-related concerns.

Types of Braces

1. Metallic Braces:

  • Composition: Traditional metallic braces consist of high-quality stainless steel brackets, wires, and elastic bands.

  • Advantages: Known for their durability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness, metallic braces are a reliable choice for precise tooth alignment.

2. Ceramic Braces:

  • Composition: Similar to metallic braces but with brackets made from clear or tooth-colored ceramic material, blending more seamlessly with natural tooth color.

  • Advantages: Aesthetic appeal is a primary advantage, making ceramic braces a popular choice for individuals seeking a less noticeable orthodontic option.

3. Lingual Braces:

  • Composition: Placed on the backside of teeth, lingual braces consist of custom-made brackets and wires, hidden from view.

  • Advantages: Offers discreet orthodontic treatment, suitable for individuals who prefer an unseen solution.

4. Invisalign:

  • Composition: Invisalign employs a series of clear, removable aligners made from a smooth, comfortable plastic material.

  • Advantages: Virtually invisible, removable for eating and oral hygiene, Invisalign provides a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional braces.

5. Self-Ligating Braces:

  • Composition: Similar to traditional braces but with specialized brackets that don't require elastic bands.

  • Advantages: Reduced friction and potentially faster treatment times due to the absence of ligatures.

6. Clear Aligners:

  • Composition: Custom-made, clear plastic trays that gradually move teeth into the desired position.

  • Advantages: Virtually invisible, removable, and suitable for mild to moderate alignment issues.

Choosing the Right Type of Braces

When considering orthodontic treatment, the choice between different types of braces often depends on individual preferences, treatment goals, and lifestyle.

At Auckland Family Dental, we provide a thorough consultation to help patients make informed decisions based on their unique needs. Whether it's the durability of metallic braces, the aesthetics of ceramic options, or the flexibility of Invisalign, our goal is to offer a personalized orthodontic experience for each patient.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The duration of treatment with metal braces varies based on individual cases. On average, it may range from 18 months to two years. Factors such as the complexity of the case and patient compliance can influence the treatment timeline.

  • It's common to experience mild discomfort during the initial placement of metal braces and after subsequent adjustments. However, advancements in design aim to minimize discomfort, and patients typically adjust within a few days.

  • Maintaining oral hygiene with metal braces requires careful brushing and flossing. Orthodontists provide guidance on proper techniques and may recommend additional tools like interdental brushes or floss threaders for effective cleaning around braces.

  • While there are no strict dietary restrictions, it's recommended to avoid sticky or hard foods that can damage braces. Patients should also cut hard foods into smaller pieces to prevent breakage.

  • If a bracket or wire becomes loose or breaks, it's essential to contact your orthodontist promptly for guidance. They will advise on whether immediate attention is needed or if a scheduled appointment suffices.