Tell us about what you would like to learn and do in Tūranga - Christchurch's New Central Library

Kia ora. Tell us the programmes you would be most interested in attending and what times would suit you best. This survey will take about 5 minutes to complete. 

Question Title

* 1. Everyday Skills - Helpful skills for day-to-day life
(Please select three)

Question Title

* 2. eKnow How - Opportunities to have fun with technology 
(Please select three)

Question Title

* 3. Recreation - Create things and meet people
(Please select three)

Question Title

* 4. Books and Authors - Anything to do with writing, poetry, reading and storytelling
(Please select three)

Question Title

* 5. What are the best week days for you to visit the library?

  9am to 12pm 12 to 2pm 2 to 5pm 5pm to 7pm 6 to 8pm

Question Title

* 6. What are the best weekend times for your to visit the library?

  10am to 12 12pm to 2pm 2 to 5pm

Question Title

* 9. What ethnicity do you identify with? (e.g. Pākehā New Zealander, Māori, Tongan, Chinese, Filipino etc)

Question Title

* 10. Apart from English, what other language/s can you hold a conversation in?

Question Title

* 11. And finally do you have any other comments or suggestions for us?