Five building women’s stories to inspire and build up more women to follow what they love and enter the trades.

Jessica. Bex. Te Atamairangi. Tanita. Brie. Five strong wāhine/women who are defined by their pasts and are defining their futures. Differing in their details, common in their callings; they believe in doing what you love, which for them is the trades. Because life’s too short to not build your own story.

Brie’s story

Whilst many of us wait or search for opportunities, Brie Cook sees them as things given to us daily. There for the taking, we have to make the most of what is given to us. Good and bad.

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Te Atamairangi’s story

Who Te Atamairangi Emery-Hughes is and where she came from cannot be distinguished from one another. Strength in the kind of mother and builder she is, comes from her roots.

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Tanita’s story

Knowing she can do anything she puts her mind to, puts Tanita Garnett’s mind at ease. Pushing herself physically and mentally means she is capable, which to her means the world.

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Jessica’s story

If there’s one woman who makes you look at your life and decide what to make of it, it’s Jessica Packe. A strong sense of self, she lost a lot to gain it.

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Bex’s story

For those of us who think it’s too late to change, think again. Bex Chapman is a role model, not only to her two daughters, but to the rest of womankind; that second chances do exist.

Read her story

How to get started

The opportunities for women in construction are endless. Find out how you can get started here.

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