Tauranga Community Spiritualist Church

'A New Generation' of spiritualist church will be opening in Tauranga on 27 January 2019. A church that upholds the Fatherhood of God & the Brotherhood of man. A church that upholds man's right to be free to choose what he believes. A church that is not afraid to explore the beliefs of other cultures, other times & other creeds and supports the right of every man to take from them whatever he needs. A church that encourages all who come to not be afraid to speak from the heart.


Tauranga Community Spiritualist Church
14 Norris Street
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About Tauranga Community Spiritualist Church

'A New Generation' of spiritualist church will be opening in Tauranga on 27 January 2019. A church that upholds the Fatherhood of God & the Brotherhood of man. A church that upholds man's right to be free to choose what he believes. A church that is not afraid to explore the beliefs of other cultures, other times & other creeds and supports the right of every man to take from them whatever he needs. A church that encourages all who come to not be afraid to speak from the heart.